Kermanshah Willow Tree Carpet

My grandfather told me in order to win my “honey’s heart”, I should carve our initials into the willow tree on the outskirts of town. “How do you think I got your grandma, the ol’ biddy?”

I took his advice and my girlfriend swooned. How romantic, how thoughtful, she went on. We admired the trunk of the tree, the willow branches swaying over our heads. “Boy, there’s a lot of EP,” she said.

She was right. EP & so-and-so, in hearts all over the tree. We shrugged and admired our initials again, stuck in time forever.

I told my grandfather how much my girlfriend loved it. “Honey, come hear what your grandson did,” he shouted at my grandma. “He carved his gal’s initials in that ol’ tree!”

“Oh, George, that takes me back!” She rummaged around for their high school yearbook and showed me a picture they took in front of that tree, before they were married. “Pictured: George Sullivan and Edie Peters,” it read.

“EP…” I said under my breath. Grandma caught my eye and winked.

c. 1860's
11'6" x 21'3"
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